Thursday 3 May 2012


This is my leaflet I made in Illustrator. This is the front and back of my leaflet.

Friday 10 February 2012

Similar Game Reviews

These are a series of game reviews that I looked at and analyzed to see what a game review has in it, what it looks like and what kind of things are talked about with regards to the game.

Skyrim Context

This is the Skyrim game context Powerpoint I made which gives general information of the development of the game, what kind of techniques and software was required to make the game and the different advertisements that were used to publicize this game.

Elder Scrolls Skyrim Review

This is the review I gave for Skyrim. This review gives my personal opinion of the game and talks about some of the gameplay aspects of the game. I also scored it out of ten and summarized it.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Creative and Media related job

This is a description of how a person would go about getting into game design. It talks about what qualifications you need and what sort of person is needed for the job.

Thursday 2 February 2012


This is the job grid that lists many jobs and says whats good or bad about the job and the type of route you would need to take in order to get that job etc.


This is my interview which I did on my elder brother about his game design which he is currently studing game design. This interview took place over the phone and I just shortened the answers he gave me.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Draft and Ideas

These are some of the ideas I came up with for my leaflet and my drafts of my design I chose and how it would work in terms of folding.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Research Report

This is my research report I did to say how I went about my research and my research sources and how my findings would affect how my leaflet would look like

Friday 27 January 2012


This is my questionnaire I made and I printed out ten copies and handed them out and then they were filled out.

LO1- Website Screenshots

These are screenshots of websites which will help me in terms of ideas for my leaflet of what to put in it and the kind of content I would put in it.

Monday 2 January 2012

Leaflet Screenshots

These are screenshots of the leaflets we collected from the town hall and see what other leaflets look like and base my general idea of these leaflets for my leaflet

Sunday 1 January 2012

Spider Diagram

This is my spider diagram with a wide variety of what creative and media related events there are in the local area. This spider diagram was a product of the class discussion about what creative and media related events there are.